Is an Unplugged Wedding Right for You?

Many of the advancements made in technology over the last 10 years have greatly affected society and how people live their lives. It is not uncommon to see cell phones in the hands of all ages and during all occasions. However, the convenience and enjoyment that comes with owning a smart phone also comes with a price: decreased attention span, addictive behavior, and many missed special moments.

The trend of “unplugged weddings” began as most trends do — with celebrities. While some have simply wanted additional privacy, others have sold exclusive wedding photos to popular tabloids and other publications. Even if you aren’t planning on making a large profit off of your professional wedding photographs, it is still a good idea to consider having an unplugged wedding.

2015 Wedding Trends
Unplugged Wedding Ceremony

Reduced Quality of Wedding Photos

One of the main complaints of most wedding photographers is the challenge of snapping those perfect shots amid a crowd of amateur photographers/smart phone owners. If the usage of your guests’ cell phones is not somehow kept in check, you may be disappointed to find one too many photos of the back of dear old Uncle Bob’s head.

In addition to limiting your photographer’s angles, you also run the risk of having pictures ruined by additional camera flashes in the background. Unless you like the idea of being swarmed by a dozen well-wishing picture-takers, let your professional wedding photographer be solely responsible for capturing your special day.

Negative Effects of Cell Phones at Weddings

Your wedding day is special. Not only are you pledging lifelong love to your significant other, but you’ve likely put a lot of effort, planning, and money into making the big day perfect. The purpose of inviting guests is not to give them material for their Facebook timeline, but to share that special moment with those closest to you. Moderating smart phone use at your wedding will create a greater sense of intimacy and ensures that your guests are with you in the moment.

The presence of cell phones also increases the risk of sensitive information being leaked on social media. For example, how horrible would it be if the groom-to-be were to see your wedding dress before the ceremony because a well-meaning bridesmaid shared a picture online?

How to Limit Wedding Cell Phone Usage

It is important to be considerate toward your guests. While some couples opt to completely ban phones from both the wedding and reception, there are many other ways to politely moderate the situation. Emergencies may come up and your guests will be much more comfortable knowing their phones are accessible. Consider requesting that no photos be taken throughout the day and that all phones remain silenced.

Possible solutions include having the officiator make an announcement before the ceremony, posting signs, or including a brief note in your invitations. If you plan to take a more extreme approach and confiscate cell phones, be sure to advise your guests well ahead of time.

There are numerous reasons to exclude handheld technology from your wedding. Don’t be afraid to ask your guests to put their phones away; they will typically understand and be cooperative. Also be sure to coordinate with your wedding photographer and develop a plan to share those professional photos with all your loved ones.

Luxury Wedding Invitations In A Box

Stunning but yet inexpensive wedding invitation are now delivered to guest in a box. Yes, wedding invitation boxes are the trendiest way of sending out invitation cards to your loved once!


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