Thai Silk From The Khorat Plateau Of Thailand

Thai Silk From The Khorat Plateau Of Thailand

Thai Silk From The Khorat Plateau Of Thailand

Thai silk is created from the Thai silkworms’ cocoons. Thai weavers primarily from the Khorat Plateau in Thailand’s northeast region nurture the caterpillars on a steady diet, feeding them mulberry leaves alone. Khorat is the heart of the silk industry in Thailand and a regular supplier of rose silk for several generations now.

At present, this silk is deemed as one of the most excellent and finest fabrics in the world. It is an output of a distinct manufacturing procedure, presenting distinct colors and patterns.

Thai raw silk fabrics
Thai raw silk fabrics used for shawls

After silk was produced in ancient China as well as India where the silk weaving practice began around 2,640 BCE, most merchants widen the use of silk to several different regions throughout Asia via trading. Some accounts connote that archaeologists came across with the first silk fibers in Thailand of more than 3,000 years old in the Baan Chiang ruins. This site is acknowledged by many people as the Southeast Asia’s oldest civilization.

The creation of silk starts with the Bombyx mori, which is a small worm generated from the eggs of a silk moth. During the first year, the worms feed on leaves of mulberry trees prior to building a cocoon with the use of their spittle.

In its unique cocoon form, raw silk is irregular and bumpy. Thus, Thai weavers break up the completed cocoons coming from the mulberry bush and bathe them in a vat of boiling water to divide the silk thread from the caterpillar from the interior of the cocoon.

The Bombyx mori normally creates silk thread of different colors, ranging from gold, light gold, and to very light green, with lengths from 500 to 1,500 yards every cocoon.

Because a single Thai silk thread filament is very thin to utilize on its own, Thai women mix several thread to build a thicker and usable fiber. This process is carried out by hand-reeling the threads placed in a wooden spindle to produce a standard strand of raw silk. It is a tiresome procedure since it takes about 40 hours to manufacture even half kilogram of silk.

Most of the local operations employ a reeling machine, though majority stick with hand-reeling. The main distinction is that hand-reeled silk produces three silk grades: a thick grade that complements heavier material and two fine grades that suit lightweight fabrics.

The silk is then immersed in hot water and then bleached. Dyeing is also done to eliminate the natural yellow coloring of Thai yarn. To perform this step, skeins of silk thread are soaked in huge tubs of hydrogen peroxide. After washing and drying, the silk is then woven through the conventional hand operated loom.

Colorful Thai silk fabric
Colorful Thai silk fabric

To determine a genuine silk, Thailand’s Agriculture Ministry makes use of a peacock emblem to validate and authenticate their products and protect them from imitations. The colors include:

– Gold Peacock
–  Silver Peacock
– Blue Peacock
– Green Peacock

Because this silk is hand woven, every silk bag and fabric is distinct and can’t be copied through commercial approaches. It also furnishes a unique luster, with a gleam that has two distinctive combinations: one color for the weft and another for the warp. In addition the Thai silk fabric changes its color at different angles when positioned against the light.
NANGFA Manufacturing Co., Ltd.  is providing silk textile bags and home decor since 2006.

Hemp Fabrics And The  “Going Green” Revolution

Hemp Fabrics And The “Going Green” Revolution

Do you want to participate in the “going green” revolution? The good news is that there are many ways to make this happen, even through small things. You can do significant things in preserving and improving the environment. Using hemp fabrics and yarn products for your family bedding or bags are an excellent way to have a sustainable way of living. This eco friendly, natural fiber is soft but robust.

Natural Color Hemp Textiles
Natural Color Hemp Textiles For Bags

Hemp Plant
Hemp is a kind of plant that doesn’t need the use of herbicides, pesticides, or chemical fertilizers to grow, making it an ideal choice for organic farming. Its environmentally friendly growing process assists in enriching, nurturing, and moisturizing the soil. This plant has a sturdy root system that can be planted into the ground three feet or deeper, giving an anchor to inhibit soil erosion. The hemp plant drops its leaves in the duration of the growing season, making the soil healthier with organic matter. Products manufactured using fabrics made from 100% hemp are entirely biodegradable.

Hemp Features
At present, more than 25,000 products can be created using hemp. Hemp bags and fabrics are water absorbent. They are known and appreciated for their durability since they don’t stretch or easily wear out. The more you wash these fabrics the softer and more radiant the fabric will be, resulting to beautiful hemp items for you to use for the years to come. The end part of the hemp yarn is round, thus it is considerably soft to the touch and not itchy to the skin. In addition, natural hemp keeps you cool during summer, and provides you warmth in the winter.

There are several advantages associated with industrial hemp. Hemp:

– Needs less water than the amount cotton requires
– Matures in single season
– Does not need herbicides yet resistant to pest
– Generates 250% more fibers for every acre than cotton and about 600% more than flax
– Assists in preventing soil erosion through its deep roots

Hemp is categorized as an eco textile since it entails less energy, produces less carbon, thus less pollution is created than other fabric manufacturing processes.

Hemp Yarn
Hemp Yarn

Hemp vs Cotton
The fibers of hemp are very much similar to cotton fibers only about three times tougher and more permeable making them an excellent choice both for infants and adults. Fibers from hemp enclose features such as being resistant to mold and mildew. Some studies have shown that hemp with a secure weave ward off about 95% of UV rays, while cotton has the ability to repel only between 30% and 90% of UV rays.

Hemp yarn is also courser than cotton, though it can be mixed with other natural fibers like cotton, and silk to make a durable, soft, fashionable material. If you want a wrinkle free clothing, then hemp is your best option since it can maintain its shape even after years of use.

When matched against cotton, the porous nature of hemp permits it to be cool in summer season but its insulation features also delineates that this clothing is warm during winter. Its aptitude to soak up moisture means that dyes will be absorbed more by the fabric and will resist fading.

It appears that hemp fabrics have it all. It’s beneficial for you and the environment, so there’s no way why you shouldn’t start not collecting hemp purses

Hemp Cosmetic Bags – Your Smart Environment Friendly Bags

Hemp Cosmetic Bags – Your Smart Environment Friendly Bags

With the skyrocketing call and whimper over the use of plastic cosmetic, grocery, and shopping bags, there has been a more apparent weight on the use of reusable or green bags.
Though some raise the paper bag option, advocates believe that this move will only result not only to tantamount but much larger loss of trees, aside from their increasing cost of production. The good news is that a ray of optimism has been furnished by a natural fiber, most popular in the Indian subcontinent – the hemp. Understand hemp cosmetic bags and their outstanding features.

Hemp bags & pouches label
Hemp bags & pouches label

What is Hemp Bag?
Hemp is one of the many colloquial terms for items made from an annual herbaceous plant known as the cannabis genus. There are three primary Cannabis species: C. indica, C. ruderalis, and C. sativa.

Each component of the plant can be utilized for commercial purposes. Its fibers, core, seeds, as well as flowers act as raw material for many products in different sectors: health, food, clothing, cosmetics, fabrics, books, bags, paper, insulation, carpets, animal bedding, body-care products, and even fiber-reinforced plastics. Its fibers can be employed in 100% hemp products, but some companies incorporate other fabrics such as silk, cotton, or linen. The most admired blend is 55/45 Hemp/Cotton combination.

Hemp is a natural fiber acknowledged for its resilience and strength. It is a sustainable and fast-growing fiber that has high level of drought tolerance. Dissimilar to the traditional grown cotton, hemp does not necessitate loads of pesticides as well as fertilizers to be nurtured appropriately. This is the same reason why more and more bags and clothing manufacturing companies consider hemp as the most environmentally friendly option.

Advantages of Hemp Bag
Hemp cosmetic bags, no doubt, last longer. They can tolerate rough weathers to include frequent wear and tear. In actual fact, hemp is not only sturdy, but it also has the ability to maintain its shape. This delineates that hemp does not widen or stretch, making it a durable choice.

Two of the most significant advantages of using hemp bags are:

– They are mould.
– They are resistant to ultraviolet light.

These features allow your make up and other personal belongings inside to be securely carried without getting moist.

Hemp Production
At present, hemp is being used by several different countries all over the world. China is the biggest exporter of hemp textiles and known for delivering fabrics of excellent quality. They also supply medium density fiber board. Austria has a flourishing hemp industry aside from their hemp seed oil production. Spain on the other hand makes textiles and ropes, as well as exports hemp pulp used in paper production. Switzerland grows hemp and operates one of the grandest and largest hemp trade events.

The United States joined the bandwagon of hemp revolution in 1999 when it allowed Hawaii to nurture hemp over a quarter acre area. Due to the calling of banning plastic and other synthetic bags in some countries, it is perceived that hemp will have a profound share in sustainable way of living.

So, what are you waiting for? Get yourself hemp cosmetic bags in different colors, styles, and designs and take part in the green revolution.

Organic Cosmetic Bags – Lean The Advantages of Organic Materials

Organic Cosmetic Bags – Lean The Advantages of Organic Materials

How do you recognize the difference between organic and natural products? Natural products are manufactured from minerals and plants that occur in nature and were not made in a chemical laboratory. On the other hand, organic products are also created from natural ingredients; however, they are grown without the help of pesticides or chemicals.

If you want to accessorize your wardrobe using products that had grown in natural conditions, you should look for organic cosmetic bags.

Small hemp bag with zipper closure for key chain
Small hemp bag with zipper closure for key chain

Advantages of Organic Materials
No doubt, organic bags do not enclose any genetically modified petrochemicals or ingredients. They did not go through any animal testing, except if necessitated by law, and are subject only to minimal processing. Most cosmetic companies incorporate natural ingredients in the form of hemp bags, vitamins, acids, and borage to skincare products.

Using organic cotton cosmetic bags as an alternative to other luxurious plastic and other synthetic bags is a sustainable approach to the problem of pollution in the environment. Most synthetic bags take many centuries to biodegrade and will most likely stay in landfills in the country or kill birds and animals that mistake such materials as food.

Understanding Organic Bags
Choosing a greener way of living should not be painful. You just have to choose sustainable materials against the ease and expediency of bags made from other materials like plastic. This is an effortless and safe way to take part in maintaining a cleaner environment and even inspire your kids and the people surrounding you to make the difference.

It’s projected that making use of organic cosmetic bags instead of plastic-made bags will eradicate the need of approximately 1,000 plastic cosmetic bags over the lifespan of the organic bag. Picking an organic material for your cosmetic sack will be one of the best decisions in your life.

Organic Cotton Fabric Bags
Organic cotton grown in the United States is nurtured to meet the guidelines of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). It is made to protect the water, soil, and air and generate cotton that is free from pesticides. This material is by far the most accepted and popular organic fiber available in the market today.

Natural Color Hemp Textiles
Natural Color Hemp Textiles

Utilizing conventional approaches, it requires about five ounces of pesticides to generate adequate amount of cotton fiber to weave a tee shirt. Approximately ten percent of the pesticides employed in farming are utilized to treat cotton crops all over the world. What’s more fascinating is that most of the pesticides are ineffective in treating the plant itself and are discharged into the environment. The remaining chemicals are absorbed by the plant and consequently become a component of your non-organically produced cotton bag, tote, blanket, or shirt.

On the other hand, organic cotton is both safe to cultivate and utilize. It is sturdy, absorbs moisture very well, soft to the touch, appears great either natural or dyed.

Care of Organic Items
Organic cosmetic bags and other items made from organic fibers may furnish a higher cost than non-organic options. Normally you can anticipate paying 20 percent more for organic items, even though prices are expected to come down as the demand increases. Thus, before you treat or launder your organic bag, make sure to examine the label about care instructions first.
On you can find organic hemp, cotton and jute bags, manufactured by NANGFA Manufacturing Co.,Ltd,.

Hand-Crafted Mulberry Paper Invitations

Hand-Crafted Mulberry Paper Invitations

The paper mulberry also known as Saa paper is a tree in the Moracea family, which is native to eastern Asia. Its other names include Kozo, Halibun, Tapacloth tree, and Kalivon.

The bark of this tree is made up of very firm fibers, and can be utilized for creating high-quality paper. The tender twigs and leaves can serve and feed deer, thus this tree is at times called as the “Deer’s Tree”. A Fijan term “Masi” was used to delineate the paper mulberry trees, which was transported to the Pacific during journeys of migration. Its bark is employed to create cloth and then colored or dyed and embellished with traditional patterns. The finished cloth is used and worn during several Fijian ceremonies, to include funerals, weddings, and even after the birth of a new baby.

Wedding Flowers
If you are thinking about using mulberry paper in your wedding, you’ll be delighted to know that there are many convincing reasons why you should do so. The number one reason is that flowers made from mulberry paper will not wilt or die before the wedding even begins. Real flowers if not received and arranged on the day of the wedding can wilt or die for the reason that they have very limited life span and they need cool temperature to survive. Therefore, if you don’t have a place with the right temperature for real flowers to live, expect that they won’t look as pretty and glamorous on your wedding day.

Another significant reason is that almost any kind of flower that you desire to see on your wedding will grace your special day if you use the Saa paper flowers. Your options will not be narrowed down on which flower is blooming on that particular season. If roses is your bet during the winter season, even if they are still not in full bloom, all you need to do is to search an online store that offer mulberry paper roses.

Wedding Invitations
When it comes to invitations, you can choose from the variety of colors that this paper is available to suit your wedding theme. Whether you’ll have the traditional church wedding, a sophisticated beach wedding, or something out of the ordinary, you’ll sure find the perfect color to achieve the look and feel from your silk invitation boxes that you want your guests to experience. You may even try to ask your preferred provider if they can give you the mulberry paper in bi-color.
Examples here


Mulberry Paper Wedding Invitation Box
Mulberry Paper Wedding Invitation Box

Since you are preparing your invitations months or weeks in advance of the big day, you’ll be glad to know that the mulberry paper when used in invitations will stay in good condition. That’s why even if you are sending out your wedding invitation boxes in another state or country, you’ll be confident that your invitations will get to your guests good as new.

Keeping it Green
Since there are no pesticides used on Saa paper tree, you are guaranteed that nobody from your guests will have a reaction to this material due to toxins and poisons with pesticides. Even the dye applied in most mulberry paper is created from all natural ingredients, so they can’t hurt you and others even if the material runs and gets on your skin.

Find latest wedding invitation trend designs including wedding invitation boxes & hand-made folio invitations here

Wedding Favor Boxes And It’s Luxury Variety

Wedding Favor Boxes And It’s Luxury Variety

The huge variety of wedding favor boxes makes crafting a beautiful presentation of your wedding favors very easy. Ranging from the regal and classic favor boxes to sophisticated trinket boxes, you will surely come across with something that complements your wedding theme perfectly.

Wedding favor, from boxes to gifts
Great ideas creating high class wedding favour ideas including boxes

Classic Designs
Squares boxes are one of the most popular shape and style for wedding favors. Aside from the appealing clean lines, these boxes also go well with any wedding theme and color because of their versatility. Furthermore, square favor boxes are uncomplicated to embellish. By just adding a simple organza bow and little white fabric, your guests will be greeted by the elegant presentation of your favor.

Another classic and well-appreciated style is the chocolate ballotin box. This favor box is presented in a deep rectangular light cardboard where the chocolates are held securely and exquisitely. You can order these rectangular favor boxes in large, medium, or small sizes. In addition, you can purchase the chic ballotin box with two truffles.

Hues and Materials
Although the most popular colors for wedding favor boxes are ivory and white, the good news is that you can get virtually any hue or color you wish that blends well with your wedding color scheme. Several collections are featured in pastel shade, but they are also available in deep and bright colors, as well as translucent colors, clear and even silver and gold hues.

You can have your favor boxes designed and customized with the use of several different materials. The least costly, yet most admired is the heavy cardstock or light cardboard material, which you can buy in your local paper supply stores. You can also obtain favor boxes crafted with the use of acrylic, heavy cardboard, or vinyl, enclosed with lightweight plastic chrome frames, natural paper, metal, porcelain, silk-covered cardboard, bamboo, or other types of wood.

Favor Boxes Designs
You can procure favor boxes for your wedding in two main structures:
Interlocking Boxes – These are one piece boxes that need some assembly by putting preassembled two piece boxes together.
Preassembled One Piece Snap Boxes – These snap enclosure boxes come in popular shapes such as heart-shaped, round, rectangular, tent-shapes, pyramids, purse or luggage style containers, hexagonal, tapered boxes designed with windows, treasure chests, and wedding gown and tuxedo shaped boxes.

You can select from crystal acrylics, glossy or matte looks. Other popular styles are metal mesh and embossed looks. You can actually order simple to very intricate boxes.

The common decorations for favor boxes are:

– Organza or silk bows/ribbons
– Raffia
– Paper butterflies or butterfly designs
– Hearts
– Two connected gold rings
– Doves
– Silk covered boxes
– Craft sequins, crystals, pearls
– Monograms or monogrammed stickers
– Tassels

Colorful and embellished favor boxes containing sweet treats and wrapped with a ribbon are a surefire way to put in a punch of fashion to your wedding reception table.

Wedding favor boxes are typically priced from thirty cents up to ten dollars per piece. You can order these items from craft stores, paper good stores, wedding related retailers, online wedding merchants, and some department stores. You can also purchase hand-crafted favor boxes, covered with silk, embellished with brooches for your wedding here.

How To Buy Purses and Handbags Wholesale  Without Paying Much

How To Buy Purses and Handbags Wholesale Without Paying Much

Looking for the perfect handbags and purses without paying for expensive retail prices seems to be a very easy task with the help of the internet. However, coming across with authentic purses and wholesale handbags will require some scrutiny and effort. With all the fake and counterfeit designer shoes, clothing, accessories, and handbags being manufactured today, finding the real deal can be difficult.

This article will provide you useful information on how you can purchase authentic handbags and purses in wholesale prices and how you can identify  authentic handbags from fake and counterfeit items.

Luxury ladies bags
Luxury bags including leather and silk bags

Getting the Real Deal

Search for legitimate and reputable sources from online and offline sources. You should understand that there are designers who have very strict and firm guidelines when it comes to their merchandise. These designers only permit boutiques that carry or market their products to buy their merchandise in wholesale prices.
Thoroughly examine the wholesale lists posted in the internet. Many of these offerings and services are fraudulent, preying on those who look for too good to be true merchandise. Be wary of any individual who asks for payment through money order or any manner that will not allow you to refund your money. While there are trustworthy services online, scams are also overflowing in this marketing platform.
Decide whether you will be making the purchase of purses and handbags wholesale for personal use or for your retail store. Remember that most suppliers and wholesalers do not sell the purses or bags one piece at a time and there is always a minimum quantity order. If you plan to open a retail business of purses and handbags, don’t forget to ask for a drop ship service for your customers.
Ask for verification papers and authenticity tags upon ordering to confirm the authenticity of the merchandise. Make certain that your purchase is always accompanied with the handbags and purses’ original dust cover. It is essential to note that legitimate online suppliers and wholesalers will furnish you their business address and telephone numbers. With this information, you will be able to contact and speak with their customer representatives who can answer all of your questions and inquiries.
It’s most beneficial to transact with wholesalers and retailers who offer money back guarantee on their items. If their products don’t come with a policy, look for another wholesaler. Legitimate handbag sources present the money back guarantee policy to their clients to prove the authenticity of their merchandise.
Check the Better Business Bureau and research about your preferred wholesaler. Remember that scams on authentic handbag suppliers are very rampant on the internet. By working with this bureau, you will surely discover formal complaints issued to the wholesaler or good standing rating before you make a purchase.

Unique Purses and Handbags Wholesale
Unique Purses and Handbags Wholesale

Collect information about the purses and wholesale designer handbags at your local designer shop before you order purses and handbags wholesale. Bags that are authentic are acknowledged and well-appreciated for their workmanship and top quality. Search for matching stitches and thread color throughout the handbags. Real designer bags have their signature hardware that is impossible to imitate.