Looking for the perfect handbags and purses without paying for expensive retail prices seems to be a very easy task with the help of the internet. However, coming across with authentic purses and wholesale handbags will require some scrutiny and effort. With all the fake and counterfeit designer shoes, clothing, accessories, and handbags being manufactured today, finding the real deal can be difficult.
This article will provide you useful information on how you can purchase authentic handbags and purses in wholesale prices and how you can identify authentic handbags from fake and counterfeit items.
Getting the Real Deal
Search for legitimate and reputable sources from online and offline sources. You should understand that there are designers who have very strict and firm guidelines when it comes to their merchandise. These designers only permit boutiques that carry or market their products to buy their merchandise in wholesale prices.
Thoroughly examine the wholesale lists posted in the internet. Many of these offerings and services are fraudulent, preying on those who look for too good to be true merchandise. Be wary of any individual who asks for payment through money order or any manner that will not allow you to refund your money. While there are trustworthy services online, scams are also overflowing in this marketing platform.
Decide whether you will be making the purchase of purses and handbags wholesale for personal use or for your retail store. Remember that most suppliers and wholesalers do not sell the purses or bags one piece at a time and there is always a minimum quantity order. If you plan to open a retail business of purses and handbags, don’t forget to ask for a drop ship service for your customers.

Verification Papers
Ask for verification papers and authenticity tags upon ordering to confirm the authenticity of the merchandise. Make certain that your purchase is always accompanied with the handbags and purses’ original dust cover. It is essential to note that legitimate online suppliers and wholesalers will furnish you their business address and telephone numbers. With this information, you will be able to contact and speak with their customer representatives who can answer all of your questions and inquiries.
It’s most beneficial to transact with wholesalers and retailers who offer money back guarantee on their items. If their products don’t come with a policy, look for another wholesaler. Legitimate handbag sources present the money back guarantee policy to their clients to prove the authenticity of their merchandise.
Check the Better Business Bureau and research about your preferred wholesaler. Remember that scams on authentic handbag suppliers are very rampant on the internet. By working with this bureau, you will surely discover formal complaints issued to the wholesaler or good standing rating before you make a purchase.
Collect Information First
Collect information about the purses and wholesale designer handbags at your local designer shop before you order purses and handbags wholesale. Bags that are authentic are acknowledged and well-appreciated for their workmanship and top quality. Search for matching stitches and thread color throughout the handbags. Real designer bags have their signature hardware that is impossible to imitate.