Do you want to participate in the “going green” revolution? The good news is that there are many ways to make this happen, even through small things. You can do significant things in preserving and improving the environment. Using hemp fabrics and yarn products for your family bedding or bags are an excellent way to have a sustainable way of living. This eco friendly, natural fiber is soft but robust.
Hemp Plant
Hemp is a kind of plant that doesn’t need the use of herbicides, pesticides, or chemical fertilizers to grow, making it an ideal choice for organic farming. Its environmentally friendly growing process assists in enriching, nurturing, and moisturizing the soil. This plant has a sturdy root system that can be planted into the ground three feet or deeper, giving an anchor to inhibit soil erosion. The hemp plant drops its leaves in the duration of the growing season, making the soil healthier with organic matter. Products manufactured using fabrics made from 100% hemp are entirely biodegradable.

Hemp Features
At present, more than 25,000 products can be created using hemp. Hemp bags and fabrics are water absorbent. They are known and appreciated for their durability since they don’t stretch or easily wear out. The more you wash these fabrics the softer and more radiant the fabric will be, resulting to beautiful hemp items for you to use for the years to come. The end part of the hemp yarn is round, thus it is considerably soft to the touch and not itchy to the skin. In addition, natural hemp keeps you cool during summer, and provides you warmth in the winter.
There are several advantages associated with industrial hemp.
- Needs less water than the amount cotton requires
- Matures in single season
- Does not need herbicides yet resistant to pest
- Generates 250% more fibers for every acre than cotton and about 600% more than flax
- Assists in preventing soil erosion through its deep roots
Hemp is categorized as an eco textile since it entails less energy, produces less carbon, thus less pollution is created than other fabric manufacturing processes.

Hemp vs Cotton
The fibers of hemp are very much similar to cotton fibers only about three times tougher and more permeable making them an excellent choice both for infants and adults. Fibers from hemp enclose features such as being resistant to mold and mildew. Some studies have shown that hemp with a secure weave ward off about 95% of UV rays, while cotton has the ability to repel only between 30% and 90% of UV rays.
Hemp yarn is also courser than cotton, though it can be mixed with other natural fibers like cotton, and silk to make a durable, soft, fashionable material. If you want a wrinkle free clothing, then hemp is your best option since it can maintain its shape even after years of use.
When matched against cotton, the porous nature of hemp permits it to be cool in summer season but its insulation features also delineates that this clothing is warm during winter. Its aptitude to soak up moisture means that dyes will be absorbed more by the fabric and will resist fading.
It appears that hemp fabrics have it all. It’s beneficial for you and the environment, so there’s no way why you shouldn’t start not collecting hemp purses.