Hemp Cosmetic Bags – Your Smart Environment Friendly Bags

With the skyrocketing call and whimper over the use of plastic cosmetic, grocery, and shopping bags, there has been a more apparent weight on the use of reusable or green bags.
Though some raise the paper bag option, advocates believe that this move will only result not only to tantamount but much larger loss of trees, aside from their increasing cost of production. The good news is that a ray of optimism has been furnished by a natural fiber, most popular in the Indian subcontinent – the hemp. Understand hemp cosmetic bags and their outstanding features.

What is Hemp Bag?

Hemp is one of the many colloquial terms for items made from an annual herbaceous plant known as the cannabis genus. There are three primary Cannabis species: C. indica, C. ruderalis, and C. sativa.

Each component of the plant can be utilized for commercial purposes. Its fibers, core, seeds, as well as flowers act as raw material for many products in different sectors: health, food, clothing, cosmetics, fabrics, books, bags, paper, insulation, carpets, animal bedding, body-care products, and even fiber-reinforced plastics. Its fibers can be employed in 100% hemp products, but some companies incorporate other fabrics such as silk, cotton, or linen. The most admired blend is 55/45 Hemp/Cotton combination.

Hemp is a natural fiber acknowledged for its resilience and strength. It is a sustainable and fast-growing fiber that has high level of drought tolerance. Dissimilar to the traditional grown cotton, hemp does not necessitate loads of pesticides as well as fertilizers to be nurtured appropriately. This is the same reason why more and more bags and clothing manufacturing companies consider hemp as the most environmentally friendly option.

Organic hemp cosmetic bag from Chiang Mai, Thailand
Organic hemp cosmetic bag from Chiang Mai, Thailand

Advantages of Hemp Bag

Hemp cosmetic bags, no doubt, last longer. They can tolerate rough weathers to include frequent wear and tear. In actual fact, hemp is not only sturdy, but it also has the ability to maintain its shape. This delineates that hemp does not widen or stretch, making it a durable choice.

Two of the most significant advantages of using hemp bags are:

  • They are mould.
  • They are resistant to ultraviolet light.

These features allow your make up and other personal belongings inside to be securely carried without getting moist.

Picture of 100% hemp fabric from Chiang Mai, Thailand
Picture of 100% hemp fabric from Chiang Mai, Thailand


Hemp Production

At present, hemp is being used by several different countries all over the world. China is the biggest exporter of hemp textiles and known for delivering fabrics of excellent quality. They also supply medium density fiber board. Austria has a flourishing hemp industry aside from their hemp seed oil production. Spain on the other hand makes textiles and ropes, as well as exports hemp pulp used in paper production. Switzerland grows hemp and operates one of the grandest and largest hemp trade events.

The United States joined the bandwagon of hemp revolution in 1999 when it allowed Hawaii to nurture hemp over a quarter acre area. Due to the calling of banning plastic and other synthetic bags in some countries, it is perceived that hemp will have a profound share in sustainable way of living.

So, what are you waiting for? Get yourself hemp cosmetic bags in different colors, styles, and designs and take part in the green revolution.

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